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Dawn of the Lost Civilisation – Flipbook

Unearth the Astonishing Secrets of the Megalithic Builders


“Dawn of the Lost Civilisation” is the second instalment in Robert John Langdon’s expansive trilogy, “Prehistoric Britain,” which reevaluates archaeological, anthropological, and mythological evidence to unveil the existence of an ancient civilisation that laid the foundation for contemporary humanity.

In the book, Langdon identified this civilisation as the ‘megalithic builders,’ responsible for constructing stone monuments like Stonehenge, Avebury, and Old Sarum much earlier than previously believed.

Scientific evidence, including carbon dating at these sites, indicated a construction timeline about five thousand years earlier than initially understood, challenging conventional historical timelines. “Dawn of the Lost Civilisation” delves into the anthropology of these megalithic builders, utilising modern DNA techniques to trace their origins back tens of thousands of years to the Caspian Sea region, situated at the border of Europe and Asia. Within this region, a groundbreaking invention occurred around thirty thousand years ago, changing the course of human evolution—the boat.

This newfound ability to navigate waterways revolutionised human progress, disrupting the slow and linear evolution that characterised the previous two million years. The narrative traces the journey of this group, armed with their newly acquired boats, from the Caspian Sea to the Dordogne region of France, after a pivotal moment in mankind’s history—the crossbreeding of two humanoid cousins, resulting in a ‘superior’ humanoid species with remarkable intelligence and power.

The Cro-Magnons, as this new species was named, not only mastered the art of sailing but also left behind extraordinary artefacts in the Lascaux Caves, including epic paintings, ivory sculptures, and musical instruments crafted from animal bones. At the end of the last ice age, some fifteen thousand years ago, the Cro-Magnons migrated north to ‘Doggerland,’ a newly exposed land mass under the North Sea. This land, often likened to Plato’s ‘Atlantis,’ became a utopian dream world, rich in life and beauty.
Unfortunately, this ancient civilisation met its demise when a tsunami struck, submerging the land and forever concealing its existence from the world. Yet its ancestors still live on and can be seen shaping our culture and society by individuals unknowing of their ancestral genetic heritage.

Robert John Langdon (2023) – Dawn of the Lost Civilisation

Langdon’s journey was marked by meticulous mapping and years of research, culminating in a hypothesis that would reshape our understanding of prehistoric Britain. He proposed that much of the British Isles had once been submerged in the aftermath of the last ice age, with these ancient sites strategically positioned along the ancient shorelines. His groundbreaking maps offered a fresh perspective, suggesting that Avebury had functioned as a bustling trading hub for our ancient ancestors. This audacious theory challenged the prevailing notion that prehistoric societies were isolated and disconnected, instead highlighting their sophistication in trade and commerce.

In the realm of historical discovery, it is often the audacious thinkers, the mavericks who dare to question established narratives, who propel our understanding forward. Robert John Langdon is undeniably one of these thinkers. With a deep passion for history and an unyielding commitment to his research, he has unearthed a hidden chapter in the story of Avebury—one that transcends the boundaries of time and offers fresh insights into our shared human history.

As Langdon’s trilogy, ‘The Stonehenge Enigma,’ continues to explore these groundbreaking theories, it beckons us to embark on a journey of discovery, to challenge our assumptions, and to embrace the possibility that the past is far more complex and interconnected than we ever imagined. Avebury, with its ancient stones and enigmatic avenues, continues to whisper its secrets to those who dare to listen, inviting us to see history through a new lens—one illuminated by the audacious vision of Robert John Langdon.

Dawn of the Lost Civilisation
The Book – Dawn of the Lost Civilisation

Further Reading

For more information about British Prehistory and other articles/books, go to our BLOG WEBSITE for daily updates or our VIDEO CHANNEL for interactive media and documentaries. The TRILOGY of books that ‘changed history’ can be found with chapter extracts at DAWN OF THE LOST CIVILISATIONTHE STONEHENGE ENIGMA and THE POST-GLACIAL FLOODING HYPOTHESIS. Other associated books are also available such as 13 THINGS THAT DON’T MAKE SENSE IN HISTORY and other ‘short’ budget priced books can be found on our AUTHOR SITE. For active discussion on the findings of the TRILOGY and recent LiDAR investigations that is published on our WEBSITE you can join our FACEBOOK GROUP.


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