Rethinking Ancient Boundaries: The Vallum and Offa’s Dyke”
- 1 Introduction
- 2 The Roman Canals of Cumbria: A Forgotten Legacy
- 2.0.1 T.C. Bell’s Groundbreaking Surveys
- 2.0.2 Gordon Emery’s Research and Publications
- 2.0.3 The Vallum: More Than a Defensive Structure
- 2.0.4 Connecting Rivers: The Eden and Petteril Canals
- 2.0.5 The High Street Roman Road and Its Canals
- 2.0.6 Challenges and Modern Implications
- 2.0.7 Preserving and Promoting Roman Engineering Heritage
- 2.0.8 For further reading and detailed maps of these canals, you can access Gordon Emery’s publications here and delve into Bell’s extensive surveys at this link.
- 3 Further Reading
- 4 Other Blogs
History brims with unsung heroes, those outsiders whose contributions leap from the shadows, not through the traditional channels of academic rigour but via the sheer force of innovative thought. These individuals, often sidelined by mainstream science for lacking formal credentials, have propelled progress with their unorthodox insights. In his eloquent reflections on science and humanity, Jacob Bronowski would have appreciated these figures ‘courage to challenge established disciplines’ dogmas and orthodoxy. Through their unconventional viewpoints, they invite us to step out of the “propaganda box” of discipline norms and reconsider the broader knowledge landscape with fresh eyes. (Rethinking Ancient Boundaries)
T.C. Bell, an exemplar of this breed of intellectual mavericks, has carved a niche for himself by daring to interrogate and dissect the established norms that often go unchallenged within the walls of academia. His work serves as a testament to the idea that significant advancements and profound understanding often come from the periphery, from those who are not bound by the echo chambers of conventional scholarship. By stepping outside the traditional frameworks and employing a unique blend of curiosity and critical thinking, Bell has contributed to a broader, more inclusive dialogue that challenges the status quo and enriches our collective pursuit of knowledge. His endeavours remind us that the pursuit of truth is a democratic exercise, open to all who are willing to question, to explore, and to think deeply about the world around them.
The convergence of conclusions between my research into The Vallum and Offa’s Dyke and that of T.C. Bell—despite our distinct investigative paths—highlights a compelling case for re-evaluating the traditional narratives surrounding these iconic historical structures. This parallelism underscores an essential point: valuable insights often arise from diverse methodologies and perspectives, challenging the prevailing historical accounts upheld by mainstream scholarship. It suggests that our understanding of such monuments is incomplete and potentially biased by the limitations of conventional approaches. The fact that two researchers can arrive at similar conclusions independently and from entirely different angles calls for a broader, more interdisciplinary approach to historical inquiry. This should include voices and traditionally overlooked or marginalised hypotheses, prompting a necessary and overdue reassessment of what we know about these ancient landmarks. (Rethinking Ancient Boundaries)
The Roman Canals of Cumbria: A Forgotten Legacy
The Roman engineering feats across Cumbria, particularly their use of canals for transportation, represent an underappreciated aspect of ancient infrastructure. T.C. Bell, a notable engineer and dowser, was among the first to suggest that what is now referred to as the Vallum, along with other dykes, were originally Roman canals. His extensive work and surveys provide compelling evidence supporting this theory. This blog delves into Bell’s findings, Gordon Emery’s contributions, and the broader implications of these Roman canals.

T.C. Bell’s Groundbreaking Surveys
T.C. Bell conducted comprehensive surveys that revealed the presence of Roman canals flanking Hadrian’s Wall and the Antonine Wall. Bell’s observations noted that these canals, often confused with mere dykes, were ingeniously constructed with aqueducts that ensured a continuous flow of oxygenated water, preventing stagnation and facilitating transportation. His findings were later validated by LiDAR imaging, confirming the accuracy and foresight of his methods. As Bell noted, “The Roman transportation highways for heavy and bulky goods were the canalised rivers, burns, and lakes, not their roads”(HIGH STREET ROMAN ROAD).
Gordon Emery’s Research and Publications
An avid historian and author, Gordon Emery spent significant time analysing Bell’s work. His dedication is evident in his publications, such as “Curious Cumbria,” where he further explores these Roman canals’ historical and practical aspects. Emery’s research included examining ancient documents, conducting fieldwork, and utilising modern technology to map these ancient waterways. Emery highlighted Bell’s contribution in his own words: “Bell’s surveys, particularly his work on the Vallum, revealed the true nature of these structures as part of an integrated canal system”(HIGH STREET ROMAN ROAD).

The Vallum: More Than a Defensive Structure
The Vallum, traditionally considered a defensive structure adjacent to Hadrian’s Wall, was posited by Bell as a canal for transporting stone and other materials necessary to construct the wall. This theory is supported by the presence of flanking aqueducts and the geographical alignment of the Vallum with known Roman transportation routes. Emery’s work corroborates this, highlighting that the Vallum’s design is consistent with Roman canal engineering principles. Bell wrote, “The canals which supplied Hadrian’s Wall ran inside the vallum, servicing the many metallic and coal exploitation sites along the Wall”(HIGH STREET ROMAN ROAD).
Connecting Rivers: The Eden and Petteril Canals
Bell’s surveys also uncovered a network of canals linking the Rivers Eden and Petteril, which are crucial for transportation across the region. These canals, featuring sophisticated lock systems and aqueducts, were designed to navigate the challenging Cumbrian terrain. Such infrastructure allowed for the seamless movement of goods, particularly during winter when river levels fluctuated dramatically. “The Rivers Lowther, Eamont, Petteril, Calder, Lyvenett, Leith, and the 70-mile long Eden all formed the highways, converted for navigational purposes by the Romans”(HIGH STREET ROMAN ROAD).
The High Street Roman Road and Its Canals
The High Street Roman Road, another significant route in Cumbria, was flanked by canals that enhanced its utility for transportation. These canals ran alongside double carriageways and were integral to the road’s function, enabling the transport of heavy goods, ore, and other materials. Bell’s work highlights the road’s strategic importance, connecting major Roman towns and facilitating military and commercial activities. “High Street’s double roads served as a major north-south route, with numerous ore exploitation sites and military installations along its path”(HIGH STREET ROMAN ROAD).

Challenges and Modern Implications
Despite the overwhelming evidence, many of Bell’s theories were initially met with scepticism. However, the validation of his work through modern technology has shed new light on the Roman use of canals in Britain. These findings have important implications for modern infrastructure planning, particularly in understanding historical land use and addressing contemporary issues like flooding and subsidence caused by the disruption of ancient waterways. Bell emphasised, “Ignoring the presence of Roman canals and aqueducts has led to subsidence in houses and floods on roads”(HIGH STREET ROMAN ROAD).
Preserving and Promoting Roman Engineering Heritage
The work of T.C. Bell and Gordon Emery underscore the importance of preserving and promoting our understanding of Roman engineering feats. These canals represent a remarkable achievement of ancient engineering and offer valuable insights into sustainable infrastructure practices. As we continue to uncover and validate these historical networks, it is crucial to integrate this knowledge into our modern planning and conservation efforts. Bell’s surveys concluded, “Penrith and the surrounding areas were vital hubs in the Roman transportation network, demonstrating a sophisticated integration of roads, canals, and industrial sites”(HIGH STREET ROMAN ROAD).
For further reading and detailed maps of these canals, you can access Gordon Emery’s publications here and delve into Bell’s extensive surveys at this link.
(Rethinking Ancient Boundaries)
Further Reading
For information about British Prehistory, visit for the most extensive archaeology blogs and investigations collection, including modern LiDAR reports. This site also includes extracts and articles from the Robert John Langdon Trilogy about Britain in the Prehistoric period, including titles such as The Stonehenge Enigma, Dawn of the Lost Civilisation and the ultimate proof of Post Glacial Flooding and the landscape we see today.
Robert John Langdon has also created a YouTube web channel with over 100 investigations and video documentaries to support his classic trilogy (Prehistoric Britain). He has also released a collection of strange coincidences that he calls ‘13 Things that Don’t Make Sense in History’ and his recent discovery of a lost Stone Avenue at Avebury in Wiltshire called ‘Silbury Avenue – the Lost Stone Avenue’.
Langdon has also produced a series of ‘shorts’, which are extracts from his main body of books:
(Professor Bonkers and the mad, mad World of Archaeology)
Other Blogs
- AI now Supports – Homo Superior
- AI now supports my Post-Glacial Flooding Hypothesis
- Alexander the Great sailed into India – where no rivers exist today
- Ancient Prehistoric Canals – The Vallum
- Ancient Secrets of Althorp – debunked
- Antler Picks built Ancient Monuments – yet there is no real evidence
- Antonine Wall – Prehistoric Canals (Dykes)
- Archaeological ‘pulp fiction’ – has archaeology turned from science?
- Archaeological Pseudoscience
- Archaeology in the Post-Truth Era
- Archaeology: A Bad Science?
- Archaeology: Fact or Fiction?
- Are Raised Beaches Archaeological Pseudoscience?
- ATLANTIS: Discovery with Dan Snow Debunked
- Avebury Ditch – Avebury Phase 2
- Avebury Post-Glacial Flooding
- Avebury through time
- Avebury’s great mystery revealed
- Avebury’s Lost Stone Avenue – Flipbook
- Caerfai promontory fort – archaeological nonsense
- Car Dyke – ABC News PodCast
- Car Dyke – North Section
- CASE STUDY – An Inconvenient TRUTH (Craig Rhos Y Felin)
- Case Study – River Avon
- Case Study – Woodhenge Reconstruction
- Chapter 2 – Craig Rhos-Y-Felin Debunked
- Chapter 2 – Stonehenge Phase I
- Chapter 2 – Variation of the Species
- Chapter 3 – Post Glacial Sea Levels
- Chapter 3 – Stonehenge Phase II
- Chapter 7 – Britain’s Post-Glacial Flooding
- Cissbury Ring through time
- Darwin’s Children – Flipbook
- Darwin’s Children – The Cro-Magnons
- Dawn of the Lost Civilisation – Flipbook
- Dawn of the Lost Civilisation – Introduction
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- Dykes Ditches and Earthworks
- DYKES of Britain
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- Prehistoric Canals (Dykes) – Great Chesters Aqueduct (The Vallum Pt. 4)
- Prehistoric Canals (Dykes) – Hadrian’s Wall Vallum (pt 1)
- Prehistoric Canals (Dykes) – Maiden Way
- Prehistoric Canals (Dykes) – Offa’s Dyke (Chepstow)
- Prehistoric Canals (Dykes) – Offa’s Dyke (LiDAR Survey)
- Prehistoric Canals (Dykes) – Offa’s Dyke Survey (End of Section A)
- Prehistoric Canals (Dykes) – Roman Military Way
- Prehistoric Canals (Dykes) – Wansdyke (4)
- Prehistoric Canals Wansdyke 2
- Professor Bonkers and the mad, mad World of Archaeology
- Sea Level Changes
- Section A – NY26SW
- Section B – NY25NE & NY26SE
- Section C – NY35NW
- Section D – NY35NE
- Section E – NY46SW & NY45NW
- Section F – NY46SE & NY45NE
- Section G – NY56SW
- Section H – NY56NE & NY56SE
- Section I – NY66NW
- Section J – NY66NE
- Section K – NY76NW
- Section L – NY76NE
- Section M – NY87SW & NY86NW
- Section N – NY87SE
- Section O – NY97SW & NY96NW
- Section P – NY96NE
- Section Q – NZ06NW
- Section R – NZ06NE
- Section S – NZ16NW
- Section T – NZ16NE
- Section U – NZ26NW & NZ26SW
- Section V – NZ26NE & NZ26SE
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- TSE DVD – Stonehenge Phase II
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- Windmill Hill – Avebury Phase 1
- Winter Solstice – Science, Propaganda and Indoctrination
- Woodhenge – the World’s First Lighthouse?
(Rethinking Ancient Boundaries)
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